Best rate guarantee
When you book your stay at Hotel J through our website we guarantee that you always get our best rate. If you find a better price on any other website you will receive 10 % off on you stay.
Our terms and conditions
Your reservation must be made on Hotel J´s website. If you find a better price on the same hotel, room category, number of persons, arrival date, departure date and with the same terms and conditions, within 12 hours from when the reservation was made, we kindly ask you to send a written claim to our reservations department at no later than 72 hours before arrival.
In your claim we ask you to provide the complete address of the website with the better price, a proof of the better price for example through a confirmation from the other website and also a confirmation for your reservation made through our website. Please also include contact information to you. After receipt, we will get back to you within two business days.
This guarantee is not valid for reservations and rates that are not available to the general public. This excludes for example offers on websites where a membership is necessary, corporate discounts, rates offered within group-, charter- or bonus programs, rates obtained in an auction or through a similar process, and rates only available through use of a coupon or any other campaign offer not available to the general public.
For more information, please contact our reservations department at +46 8 601 30 00 or e-mail